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Christian Marriage Counseling


Asesoramiento presencial o virtual

En Florecer Family Counseling creemos que invertir en consejería prematrimonial es tan importante como la boda de sus sueños para construir una base sólida para una vida de amor.

Celebrate Your Special Day, and Beyond

While weddings are exciting and memorable, we understand that the real work begins after the festivities end. Our mission is to help couples set a strong foundation for their marriage, ensuring that the love and joy experienced on their wedding day continues to flourish. 

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Grow Together

At Florecer We Want To Help:

1. Invest in Your Marriage's Success​

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning a wedding, but have you considered including premarital counseling in your budget? Investing in professional counseling services can provide you with the tools and guidance you need to navigate this new journey together.

2. ​Provide Expert Guidance for a Lasting Relationship

At Florecer Family Counseling, our professional counselors utilize pre-marital and marriage assessments such as Prepare-Enrich or SYMBIS to help couples gain evidence-based skills to navigate this new chapter in their lives. With their expertise, you can proactively address potential challenges and build a lasting, fulfilling relationship. These tools have been proven to enhance relationship satisfaction and longevity.

Your Future Starts Here

Take the necessary steps towards building a fulfilling and lasting marriage. Start by requesting a 15 minutes free consultation with one of our caring therapist and inquire how we can support you on this incredible journey. 

Should Christians Go Through Pre-Marital Counseling Before Marriage?

Yes, every couple can benefit from pre-marital counseling even Christians. Whether you've just gotten engaged, or are weeks away from your wedding it's important to build trust and communication during such a stressful time.


​Marriage is sacred, and should be treated as such. Drawing closer to God is just as important as developing your relationship with each other. At Florecer we will work with you to integrate your faith into your pre-marital counseling and help you grow together. Florecer is here for you whether you're looking for Christian pre-marital counseling in Woodland Hills, or are seeking online pre-marital counseling. Give us a call today to get started.

Consejería para parejas cristianas

¡Creemos un amor que resista la prueba del tiempo!

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