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ADHD Therapy
for Young Adults

Help for Young Adults with ADHD or ADD 


Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms are identified since early childhood (at the age of 6 and up). Unfortunately, boys are often difficult to recognize because they may be mistaken for "normal" active or aggressive behaviors.  Girls with ADHD typically have more inattentive symptoms and may also be overlooked or misdiagnosed as they may lack hyperactive and compulsive behaviors. 

When not identified early in childhood, individuals with ADHD may feel that there is something wrong with them because they have trouble fitting in in school as they are expected. In childhood they may have heard instructions from adults like "Sit still,"  "Stay quiet", "Pay attention," "Where is your homework?," or "Stay focused" very often.  Many may internalize these instructions and feel less than others. As adults, these children may have develop anxiety or depression due to not receiving guidance, behavioral training, and sometimes medication to help them manage their behaviors.

Women with ADHD or ADD are highly sensitive and find it hard to cope with difficult emotions.  Therefore, finding effective ways to deal with this disorder is difficult. However, Florecer Family counseling offers a holistic approach to support them with effective skills to manage ADHD and make life easier.​

Symptoms​ of ADHD


Because the symptoms of ADHD fall under the categories of "learning disorder" and "conduct disorder," many with ADHD have been diagnosed with a learning disability or behavioral problems such as defiance, opposition, or aggression; however, adults who have ADHD can acknowledge that they have problems at work with organization, procrastination, and trouble concentrating. As a result, they may find it hard to get started in the morning or start tasks, maintain motivation, stay focused, or lose things frequently.​

It can be lonely to struggle with ADHD, especially if you don’t know other people who are dealing with it. But rest assured you are not alone––according to the CDC, 9.4% of children had diagnosed ADHD in 2016,* and the current prevalence in adults is 4.4%.** This translates to big numbers of people in the total population, so you likely know someone else who has ADHD, whether you realize it or not. 


Since ADHD can be easy to miss in people or some are able to hide it well, it is important to understand the symptoms in both yourself and in children. 

Common symptoms of ADHD


  • Makes careless mistakes

  • Laks attention to details

  • Seems like not listening 

  • Has difficulty paying attention

  • Fails to follow through on instructions, chores, or duties

  • Avoids or dislikes certain activities

  • Loses important things

  • Is often forgetful

  • Is easily distracted by things or unrelated thoughts

Hyperactivity or Impulsivity

  • Fidgets with or taps hands and feet, or squirms

  • Leaves seat when remaining seated is expected

  • Runs or climbs where it is inappropriate, or feels restless

  • Is unable to participate quietly in leisure activities

  • Acts as if “on the go" or “driven by a motor”

  • Talks excessively

  • Blurts out answers

  • Has difficulty waiting his or her turn

  • Interrupts or intrudes on others


​Florecer Family Counseling can provide you with just the right kind of support and guidance to deal with the complexity of your ADHD in adulthood. We are here to provide a place where you can be accepted and learn proven coping skills that will change your life for good!


Discover your genuine self, strengths, and talents; and grow in the areas you need to so you can enjoy a fulfilling life. Our counselors understand and know how to help you break free from your suffering.


During your initial session, you will have the opportunity to work together with your therapist to begin to understand what is really going on in your world. She will get to know you by asking questions about your unique concerns and will help you identify what you want to work on in therapy. This will help your therapist create a plan that will assist you to reach your goals and create an individualized experience for your needs. 

Take the Next Step

Think we might be a good fit? Simply contact us for a free consultation. Offering online and in-person counseling in Woodland Hills, CA near Piers College and CSUN.  

If you are ready to receive help so you can lighten this load and blossom in your life, contact us today for a free consultation!
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